Wilke & Associates, LLP
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- People David Wilke, CPA
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510 Washington Avenue
Carnegie, PA 15106 - Office
- Website http://www.WilkeCPA.com

Radio Segments
Year-End Planning with Faith Morrison
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The American Entrepreneur Ron Morris is joined by Faith Morrison, of Wilke CPA.
Marcellus Shale Tax Planning & Farm/Small Business Deductions
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“Ask the Accountant” - What Reports Do You Need to Compile?
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One of the most important things an entrepreneur must do in his or her company is to create and maintain a number of different financial and operational reports that can provide a snapshot of the health of a business at any given minute. As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Greg Wlahofsky of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with The American Entrepreneur, Ron Morris, about the financial statements that must be prepared and compiled in order to the company to consistently maintain compliance standards.
Credit for Small Employer Health Insurance Premiums
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The American Entrepreneur Ron Morris is joined by Valerie Voss, of Wilke CPA.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
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The American Entrepreneur Ron Morris is joined by Jay Alexander, of Wilke CPA. Topics include 1099 forms and breaking down the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
“Ask the Accountant”: Beware the “Trojan Horse” of Nexus Questionnaires
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Faith Morrison of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with The American Entrepreneur, Ron Morris, about Nexus Questionnaires, forms that neighboring states will send to your business in the event that your company did business in that particular state over the course of the calendar year. Faith discusses the purpose of these forms, and suggests that filling out these forms, while innocent enough on the surface, may lead to more headaches and complexity down the road.
“Ask the Accountant”: Time Running Out to File Your Taxes? Try E-Filing!
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Faith Morrison of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with The American Entrepreneur, Ron Morris about the option that taxpayers have of filing and paying their taxes electronically, including situations when the tax filing deadline is rapidly approaching.
Death and Taxes: What You Need to Know When Executing a Will
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur, The American Entrepreneur, Ron Morris, talks with Phil Sabo of Wilke and Associates CPA about the things that you need to know from a tax standpoint when the time comes to execute a will of a loved one.
“Ask the Accountant”: Dealing With Physical Theft In Your Business
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As part of his “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Peter Fleming of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with The American Entrepreneur, Ron Morris, about the threat of physical theft and fraud in the workplace, and the accounting issues that arise when a company’s physical property is compromised.
Stopping Employee Fraud in Its Tracks: Three Steps You Need to Know
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Of the many threats to a company’s short-term and long-term well being, employee fraud and theft may be the ones with the biggest impact. And they may be the most difficult ones to detect as well, given that, on average, each case takes 18 months to track. It’s a multi-billion dollar problem for businesses in the U.S, and Peter Fleming of Wilke and Associates CPA devotes this week’s “Ask the Accountant” segment to what you can do to prevent it from happening in your company. Peter talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris about three critical steps you must take ASAP to prevent employee fraud and theft in the workplace.
“Ask the Accountant”: Faith Morrison on Estate Planning Issues
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Faith Morrison of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with The American Entrepreneur, Ron Morris, about some of the recent trends in estate tax planning, as well as the tax implications of the practice of generation skipping transfer.
“Ask the Accountant”: Peter Mullen on Shareholder Distributions
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Peter Mullen of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with The American Entrepreneur, Ron Morris, about the correct ways to handle shareholder equity distributions when it comes time to categorize that income when filing your taxes.
“Ask the Accountant”: Protecting Yourself From Identity Theft
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Tony Snyder of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with The American Entrepreneur, Ron Morris about the dangers of identity theft, the most common forms it takes in the marketplace, and how to protect yourself from those who want to take hold of your personal and financial information.
“Ask the Accountant” - Dave Cooke on Timeshare Properties
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Dave Cooke of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with The American Entrepreneur, Ron Morris about the tax considerations that are in play when dealing with owning or renting “timeshare” properties.
“Ask the Accountant” with Kathy Hanula, of Wilke & Associates
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“The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris is joined by Kathy Kanula, of Wilke & Associates.
“Ask the Accountant”: Peter Fleming on Independent Contractors
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Peter Fleming of Wilke and Associates CPA about the tax considerations one must be aware of when it comes to hiring, or being, an independent contractor (a.k.a. a “1099’er”). Peter also discusses the differences in regulation of independent contractors on both a federal and State (of Pennsylvania) level.
“Ask the Accountant”: Peter Fleming Discusses Act 32
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As part of his “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Peter Fleming of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with Mike Kauffelt of Bill Few Associates about Pennsylvania Act 32, which lays out guidelines for employer withholding of income tax.
“Ask the Accoutant”: Tax Implications For Your Company Car
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Phil Sabo of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris about the considerations that a business owner needs to be mindful of when purchasing or leasing a vehicle for his or her business.
“Ask the Accountant”: Turning Your Business Trip Into a Summer Vacation
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In case you haven’t noticed the weather lately, it’s summertime, and with it, the time for vacation and (maybe) a break from the business. But as Jay Alexander of Wilke and Associates CPA notes, there are tax-friendly methods in place to morph your next business trip into a summer excursion for the whole clan. Jay and Mark discuss what you need to know when it comes to mixing a little pleasure with your business, and the things you need to avoid in order to not take too many liberties when it comes to your taxable expenses.
“Ask the Accountant”: Faith Morrison on Depreciation
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Faith Morrison of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris about how to handle depreciation of your company’s hard assets, including special circumstances involving self-constructed property.
“Ask the Accountant”: Peter Mullen on Entity Choice
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Peter Mullen of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris about the different types of entities that a business can assume, which entities work best for certain businesses. and when is the best time within a company’s life cycle for a company to transition from one entity to another.
Thinking About Raiding Your IRA? You’ll Pay For That!
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Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA’s) and 401K plans are effective investment vehicles for people who want a tax-free method of stashing away a portion of their regular paycheck. These are designed for participants to “cash out” of these plans later in life, but from time to time, there are some people who need to dive into these accounts, withdrawing some or, sometimes, all of these funds. As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Dave Cooke of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris about why this decision is NOT a good idea, and Dave breaks down the tax ramifications youâ??ll face when pulling out of these plans.
“Ask the Accountant”: The IRS’ “Dirty Dozen”
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When most people think of “The Dirty Dozen”, they think of one of the greatest war movies of all time. When the people at Wilke and Associates think of “The Dirty Dozen”, they think of the annual list produced by the IRS that lays out the 12 most popular tax schemes perpetrated by businesses and individuals in order to soften (or avoid altogether) the blow that comes around each tax season. From offshore income to charitable donation abuse, to misuse of fuel tax credits, the scams and the punishments will be the subject of this week’s “Ask the Accountant” segment, as Phil Sabo of Wilke and Associates CPA joins “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris to discuss what NOT to do when filing your taxes, and what happens if you do it anyway.
“Ask the Accountant”: How Sales Tax Factors Into Your Business
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Faith Morrison of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris about what impact revisions to the sales, use, and hotel occupancy taxes will have on your business.
“Ask the Accountant”: Is Your Retirement Plan a Target For An Audit?
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” feature on American Entrepreneur Radio, “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Greg Wlahofsky of Wilke and Associates CPA about the “80-120 Participant Rule”, and whether or not an audit is needed for your retirement plan.
“Ask the Accountant”: Tony Snyder discusses estimated tax payments
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Tony Snyder of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris and his “talk buddy”, David Iwinski about the idea of estimated tax payments, and the circumstances under which it makes the most sense to file taxes using this option.
Why CPA’s Are Essential Assets For Your Business BEYOND April 15: Peter Fleming
When most people generally think of their accountant, they think of the men and women who pull their tails out of the fire as April 15 rolls around, helping them get their annual affairs organized in order to file taxes as effectively as possible. But as any regular American Entrepreneur Radio listener who has heard the regular “Ask the Accountant” segments with Dave Wilke and his staff at Wilke and Associates knows, CPA’s are firmly in your corner all year long. Peter Fleming of Wilke and Associates joins “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris to discuss why you should use your CPA for critical financial statement preparation when it comes to compliance issues, or IRS audits, or even to check under your company’s hood and provide a tune-up when needed.
“Ask the Accountant”: Basis
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” on American Entrepreneur Radio, presented by Wilke and Associates CPA, Peter Mullen of Wilke and Associates talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris about the idea of basis when it comes to accounting. Peter explains what entrepreneurs need to know when figuring basis into a company’s financial picture for tax purposes.
“Ask the Accountant” - Anatomy of a Distribution Startup
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For the latest installment of his popular “Ask the Accountant” series on American Entrepreneur Radio, Dave Wilke of Wilke and Associates CPA presents “Anatomy of a Startup”, this week, using the example of a distribution startup, chronicling its story since the beginning, and assessing the opportunities and challenges the founders encountered along the way.
“Ask the Accountant”: Dave Wilke Presents “Anatomy of a Startup”
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As part of American Entrepreneur Radio’s live broadcast from Entrepreneurs Day at the Rivers Club in Downtown Pittsburgh, “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Dave Wilke of Wilke and Associates CPA. Dave devotes an “Ask the Accountant” segment to another installment of his popular “Anatomy of a Startup” series, as he profiles the opportunities and challenges facing a local startup on the path to success.
“Ask the Accountant”: Dave Wilke presents “Anatomy of a Startup”
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Startups come in all shapes and sizes, each with its own set of driving forces, and its own backstory of how it came to be. As part of his popular “Anatomy of a Startup” series on American Entrepreneur Radio, Dave Wilke of Wilke and Associates CPA profiles one such startup, changing the names to protect the innocent, and assesses how this startup came to be, including a profile of the person who started the enterprise, and how the person was able to face the challenges and seize the opportunities along the path to success.
“Ask the Accountant”: “Anatomy of a Startup”
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The most popular recurring feature of one of the most popular recurring segments of the show returns, as Dave Wilke of Wilke and Associates CPA devotes an “Ask the Accountant” segment to his popular “Anatomy of a Startup” series. Dave profiles a real-world company, changing names to protect the innocent, and details how the company came to be, discussing the challenges and opportunities the entrepreneur faced along the way. Dave also sheds some light on the business lessons that can be gleamed from the owner’s experience.
Doing Home Office Work For Your Business? Dave Wilke Has Some Tax Traps You May Want to Avoid
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Maintaining a home office can be an advantage for business owners and entrepreneurs who want balance to their professional and personal lives. It is also a practice that is heavily monitored by the IRS, as while there ARE deductions available to those who maintain a home office, it is also a potential red flag for an audit when tax time comes. As part of his “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Dave Wilke of Wilke and Associates CPA discusses the benefits and the traps of a home office from a tax standpoint.
“Ask the Accountant” New Pennsylvania Tax Laws For Job Creation
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As part of American Entrepreneur Radio’s “Ask the Accountant” feature, Dave Wilke of Wilke and Associates discusses a pair of Pennsylvania State Tax laws, the Job Creation Tax Credit and the Opportunity Grant Program, designed to encourage job creation among Pennsylvania businesses.
“Ask the Accountant”: Dave Wilke on Tax Issues and Health Care
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Dave Wilke of Wilke and Associates talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris about the tax issues involved with providing health care for your employees.
Thinking About Bartering For Your Business? Listen to Dave Wilke First!
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Dave Wilke of Wilke and Associates CPA joins “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris for an “Ask the Accountant” segment devoted to the tax implications one must consider when bartering for your company.
“Ask the Accountant”: How To Tell If You’re At Risk For An Audit
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As part of his “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Dave Wilke of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris about the things the IRS is most likely to look for that would serve as red flags for a potential audit. Joining the conversation midway through is attorney Mike Fox of Strassburger, McKenna, Gutnick and Gefsky, who discusses some of the audit concerns employers face when classifying their people as employees or independent contractors.
“Ask the Accountant”: Keeping Your Corporate Behaviour in Line “Minute By Minute”
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As part of his “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Dave Wilke of Wilke and Associates CPA about the proper method to compile corporate annual minutes for a company, and what could possibly happen if those minutes aren’t accurately kept.
“Ask the Accountant”: New Tax Laws and 1099’s
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Dave Wilke of Wilke and Associates CPA joins Ron to discuss the impact that some of the new federal tax laws will have on business, and provides a quick refresher on what companies should do when issuing 1099 statements to their independent contractors.
“Ask the Accountant”: Dave Wilke on More Benefits From the Tax Relief Job Creation Act of 2010
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As part of his “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Dave Wilke of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris about more great info on the 2010 Tax Relief Jobs Act, and the many benefits this measure has for entrepreneurs and business owners.
“Ask the Accountant”: The Link Between Pennsylvania State Taxes and Parochial Schools
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Peter Fleming of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris about the recent provision regarding Pennsylvania state taxes, and deductions that are in place for those who donate to Pennsylvania parochial schools.
“Ask the Accountant”: Dave Wilke Discusses the Tax Relief Job Creation Act of 2010
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As part of his “Ask the Accountant” series on American Entrepreneur Radio, Dave Wilke of Wilke and Associates talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris about the Tax Relief Job Creation Act of 2010, and what impact it has had on business in the past year, and the impact Dave sees the measure having going forward.
“Ask the Accountant”: Jay Alexander Discusses the Estate Tax
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Joe Alexander of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris about the estate tax, and the impact of the recently signed 2010 tax laws on this often cumbersome tax.
Easing the Burden of Skyrocketing Insurance Costs: Tony Snyder Discusses a New Tax Credit
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Tony Snyder of Wilke and Associates talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris about the brand new credit that is in place for small businesses with regard to their health insurance premiums, and what a company must have to qualify for this substantial boost.
“Ask the Accountant”: Year-End Planning Tips For Your Business
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Faith Morrison of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris about some of the key measures a business owner must take when it comes to year-end tax planning for a company.
“Ask the Accountant”: Why are Regular Financial Reports Important For Business?
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Phil Sabo of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris about the importance of regular, accurate reporting of the financial numbers of a company. Plus, Dave Wilke of Wilke and Associates joins the conversation to discuss the potential dangers that may result if financial reports are NOT accurately maintained.
“Ask the Accountant”: What Are the “Red Flags” the IRS Looks For When Doing an Audit?
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As part of his “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Dave Cooke of Wilke and Associates CPA talks to Ron about some of the most common “red flags” that the IRS notices when it comes to performing an audit of a business, including improper documentation of meals/entertainment as well as auto mileage.
So What is “ObamaCare” Doing to Small Businesses?
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“The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris, with the help of Rick Diemmert of Nationwide Insurance and Dave Wilke of Wilke and Associates, discuss how the Federal Health Care Program (a.k.a. ObamaCare), is affecting businesses of any size, and what is being done about it.
“Ask the Accountant”: Faith Morrison looks at First Year Bonus Depreciation
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As part of the regular “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Faith Morrison of Wilke and Associates CPA talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris about the new tax laws regarding First Year Bonus Depreciation for the assets purchased by a business.
“Ask the Accountant”: So What Happened to the “Fix” for the Alternative Minimum Tax?
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“The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Peter Fleming of Wilke and Associates, who devotes an “Ask the Accountant” segment to the federal A.M.T. (alternative minimum tax), and whatever happened to the proposed “fix” that was to remedy the effects of the tax for a large portion of the middle tax brackets in the United States.
“Ask the Accountant”: The Basic Steps You Need to Know to Start a Business
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As part of the Wilke and Associates “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Peter Mullen of Wilke and Associates CPA lays out some of the primary concerns an aspiring entrepreneur faces when looking to start his or her own business.
“Ask the Accountant”: Phil Sabo of Wilke and Associates Discusses the HIRE Act
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“The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Phil Sabo of Wilke and Associates CPA, who devotes his “Ask the Accountant” segment to the HIRE Act, and the implications of this measure for small and large business.
“Ask the Accountant”: What the Small Business Jobs Act Means for Small Business Taxes
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“The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Peter Fleming of Wilke and Associates CPA, who devotes an “Ask the Accountant” segment to the recently-signed Small Business Jobs Act, and the implications and tax considerations, both good and bad, for small business owners.
“Ask the Accountant”: How to Maximize the Effectiveness of Your Company’s Retirement Plan
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Jay Alexander of Wilke and Associates about the retirement planning issues a small business owner must consider for his or her employees.
“Ask the Accountant”: Internal Controls, Fraud Provention and Employee Morale During Tough Times
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Peter Fleming of Wilke and Associates talks with “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris about the importance of setting and enforcing internal controls for your business, and how to curtail the potential for employee fraud, all the while sustaining employee morale throughout the company, a difficult challenge in tough economic times.
“Ask the Accountant”: Business Valuation and What it Means Come Tax Time
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, Peter Mullen of Wilke and Associates CPA discusses the notion of business valuation, and how to determine the true worth of your business, and what that final total means come tax time.
“Ask the Accountant”: Federal and State Research and Development Tax Credits
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment of American Entrepreneur Radio, “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Peter Fleming of Wilke and Associates CPA about new developments in the area of federal and state (Pennsylvania) tax credits for research and development.
“Ask the Accountant”: Estimated Tax Payments and Safe Harbor Calculations
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As part of the “Ask the Accountant” segment on American Entrepreneur Radio, “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Tony Snyder of Wilke and Associates about the in’s and out’s of estimated tax payments for a small business, as well as the method to calculate the “safe harbor” amount for a business.
What Tax Changes Are Coming For Those With Rent Expenditures?
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“The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Faith Morrison of Wilke and Associates CPA, who devotes an “Ask the Accountant” segment to some new tax laws regarding rent expenditures for business, and the impact these laws have on small business owners.
Two New Tax-Based Items For Business Owners
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“The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Faith Morrison of Wilke and Association CPA about two new pieces of tax-related news that affect business owners, the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit, and the TAM 1415 “Hire Act”.
About Wilke and Associates, LLP
Wilke & Associates, LLP is committed to providing small businesses and individuals with prompt, professional, and personalized service. Wilke & Associates, LLP professionals and staff are consistently proactive and responsive in their approach to solving problems. Their staff is experienced at working with small business owners, assessing the needs of each client, and using their skills successfully to advance the goals of their clients. Communicating effectively and efficiently is at the core of their services.
About Dave Wilke
David Wilke has spent his over seventeen-year certified public accounting career assisting small businesses. He concentrates on income tax planning, business planning and consulting services including software selection, entity selection and retirement plans. He assists many small businesses and start-up businesses in obtaining financing, writing business plans and developing exit strategies. Beginning with 2 clients, David has grown his client base to over 1000 in the past several years.
Recognition & Affiliations
David has been recognized by various organizations for his accounting work, such as his nomination for Entrepreneur of the year for 2003 and the 1997 Small Business Administration’s Accountant Advocate of the year. This SBA award symbolized an individual who uses his professional expertise or personal talents to further the understanding and awareness of small business. Wilke and Associates, LLP was recognized in 2003 by the Pittsburgh Business Times as one of the top 100 fastest growing companies in Pittsburgh. Wilke and Associates has grown from two employees in 1998 to fourteen employees in 2003.
David is a regular speaker at many events for small business owners and entrepreneurs, such as, SBA seminars and seminars for, Duquesne University’s Small Business Development Center and the IRS. David is a regular instructor for SCORE and ACRE of Pittsburgh, and was previously an instructor at Duff’s Business Institute.
David is a member of the International Who’s Who of Entrepreneurs, Pennsylvania Institute of CPA’s and the American Institute of CPA’s .
To continue educating small business owners and entrepreneurs, David has authored articles on how to write an effective business plan and helped to develop curriculum and instructional materials for State of Pennsylvania Self-Employment Assistance Program (SEAP) in 1997 and 1999. The SEAP helps persons on unemployment achieve their business ownership dreams. David has been recognized as a contributing professional in two business books, and has been published in the SBA Mid-Atlantic Regional Newsletter.