Minto Law Group, LLC
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- People Ralph Minto Jr.
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603 Stanwix Street, Suite 2025
Pittsburgh, PA 15222 - Office
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Radio Segments
Want Foreign Investors In Your Company? Ralph Minto Has Some Cautions You Need to Hear
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It seems like a natural fit on paper. Your company needs more capital to reach the next level. And investors in every world market have the capital you need. But not so fast. Overseas capital may seem like a great idea for your start up, but you’d better look before you leap. Learn why when Ralph Minto of the Minto Law Group reveals the secrets of using overseas funding when he talks with The American Entrepreneur, Ron Morris, about the hidden dangers.
“Digital Death”: What Is It, and What Do You Need to Know About It?
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For any of us, the passing of a loved one brings with it emotional strain, usually in conjunction with, in many cases, financial burden. In a 21st century world where over 70 percent of Americans are on the internet, death provides another level of complexity: what to do with the digital presence of a loved one who has passed. From email accounts to social media presence to online financial records, most of us have a digital footprint that can only add to the burden if it falls into the wrong hands, and in a world of heightened cyber-security, the only one who can navigate through that footprint is that person him- or herself. Ralph Minto of the Minto Law Group joins “The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris to discuss “digital death”, and what you can do to ensure that your online presence won’t be a burden to your loved ones.
So Your Client is Now a Trustee….What Do You Do? Ralph Minto Has the Answer.
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“The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Ralph Minto of the Minto Law Group about how to handle situations where your client has been named as an executor or a trustee.
Concerned About What to Do With Your Assets? Ralph Minto is Here to Help!
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“The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Ralph Minto of the Minto Law Group about some of the essential issues surrounding asset allocation for a business owner.
Ralph Minto: Here To Help You Protect Your Assets!
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“The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Ralph Minto of the Minto Law Group about the importance of proper asset protection practices for your business, and yourself, and outlines the very real dangers that could result if you mismanage your asset protection platform.
Asset Allocation: Why it’s a Must-Do For Any Business Owner
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“The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Ralph Minto of the Minto Law Group about the importance of asset allocation when analyzing your personal and professional portfolio.
Transferring Money Overseas? Listen to What Ralph Minto Has To Say!
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“The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Ralph Minto of the Minto Law Group about the process of transferring money overseas, and the legal and tax ramifications of such a procedure.
What Are Federal Supercreditors, and How Can They Affect Your Asset Protection Planning?
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“The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Ralph Minto of the Minto Law Group about Federal Supercreditors, and their relationship to effective asset protection planning.
What You Need To Do To Avoid an IRS Audit
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“The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Ralph Minto of the Minto Law Group about the importance of protecting your personal and business assets, and how to avoid being on the receiving end of an IRS audit.
Estate Planning Policies and Procedures for Your Personal Assets
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“The American Entrepreneur” Ron Morris talks with Ralph Minto of the Minto Law Group about the importance of setting up estate planning policies and procedures for your personal assets.
What is the Best Business Structure to Use?
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PBR host Ron Morris talks with Ralph Minto of the Minto Law Group about how to best determine the business structure that matches the needs of your start-up business, as well as the role and the structure of operational agreements.
The Importance of Asset Protection
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PBR host Ron Morris talks with Ralph Minto of the Minto Law Group about a number of business issues, including the importance of asset protection.
Tax-Related Concerns for Business Owners
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PBR host Ron Morris talks with tax attorney Ralph Minto about a variety of tax-related concerns that a business owner, or someone with considerable wealth, may face as the dollars he or she accumulates become mini-targets for a wide variety of folks.
About Minto Law Group
At Minto Law Group, they believe that clients are entitled to:
- Superior professional expertise
- Compassion and understanding
- Honest and straightforward advice
- Reliable and timely service
- Reasonable assurance of success
- Cost-effective case management
At Minto Law Group, they believe that law is about people, and they listen carefully to each of their clients to understand his or her unique needs in order to design a plan or solution that will be effective.
They never take a case if they do not believe they can cost-effectively achieve the results the client desires. Each initial client meeting begins with a thoughtful and meticulous review of his or her case to evaluate the prospects for success.