Superior Well Services
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Superior is an oil- and gas-well service company operating in Continental United States, providing oil and gas companies with technical pumping and down-hole surveying services. We place special emphasis on protecting the environment and equipping and training our employees to perform their functions without undue risk. In the specific application of shale-gas service work, where hydraulic-fracture stimulation requires pumping massive volumes of water-based fracturing fluids, we apply our own award-winning technology that enables us to use water recovered from a fracture job as source water for the next fracture job. Consequently, our shale-gas service work greatly reduces the demand on freshwater sources, and at the same time reduces the expense of fracture stimulation.
Our customers include large, independent oil and natural gas companies operating in key markets of international and domestic oil- and natural gas-producing regions. We compete with our larger peers by offering at competitive prices our own patented and improved technology with advanced equipment and service, and we also offer the specialized equipment and service solutions that many smaller independents cannot, or do not, offer.
We believe that our skills and new technologies have positioned us to help America meet its energy needs. Meanwhile, the companies that we serve are committed to protecting our environment, and we provide products and processes that help enable that protection. Our contributions help create American jobs and reduce our dependence on foreign energy. To that end, we continue to offer multiple services, maximum efficiency, reduction of lead times, and cost-effective solutions. Since 1997, our operations have expanded from two service centers in the Appalachian region to a hard-working presence in significant oil- and natural gas-producing regions throughout the United States.
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Cabot Gas Well Treated With 100% Reused Frac Fluid: Reuse benefits environment, saves water, precludes disposal: Download
Superior Well Services Success Stories: Download
Developing Effective and Environmentally Suitable Fracturing Fluids Using Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback Waters: Download
The American Oil & Gas Reporter: Technique Reuses Frac Water In Shale