Why Outsourcing Works for American Business
American business owners are continuously on the lookout for the methods and practices that enable them to conduct their business under the tried and true guidelines of “better, faster, cheaper”. In recent years, one of the practices which has undergone the most scrutiny has been outsourcing. While some feel that the practice of exporting labor practices overseas is costing American workers their livelihood, others see it as a means by which they can open up their company to a vast labor market of skilled workers who are looking for the opportunity to prove themselves at a fraction of the cost of their American counterparts. As someone who boasts decades of experience in international commerce, The International Capitalist, David Iwinski, has seen the issue from both sides, and he addresses the benefits and the criticisms of this controversial topic.
Business in the New Normal: It’s Not WHAT You Do, But HOW You Do It
The world in which individuals and organizations operate has changed. Thanks to technological development, we’re reaching unprecedented heights when it comes to the flood of information we receive on a daily basis, the connectivity we have with others, and the transparency under which we operate. Under this new normal, WHAT you do doesn’t set you apart anymore; it’s HOW you do it. Dov Seidman, recently cited by Fortune Magazine as the “hottest advisor on the corporate virtue circuit” has explored this phenomenon in his hot new book, “How: Why How We Do Anything Means Everything”. Dov talks with The International Capitalist, David Iwinski about his findings, and why “how” matters.
How to Incorporate Millenials Into Your Company’s Workplace
Millenials. Generation Y. Whatever you want to call them, the new class of workers is entering businesses, both large and small, in full force. They are constantly bringing new ideas, new methods of communication, and new ways of doing business to the table. While they can be a great boost to your business, dealing with them can present a new set of challenges for your business. Rob O’Donnell of Solutions 21 takes a look at the things you need to consider when hiring and onboarding millenials for your company.
As the World Comes Together, What Must Your Business Do To Adapt?
Once upon a time, businesses and individuals existed within barriers that tacitly kept others from knowing how each other operated. Enter social media, technological innovation, and a new hyper-connected, hyper-transparent normal that has forced people to rethink how they lead, how they behave, and how business is conducted. Dov Seidman, recently cited by Fortune Magazine as the “hottest advisor on the corporate virtue circuit” has explored this phenomenon in his hot new book, “How: Why How We Do Anything Means Everything”. Dov talks with The International Capitalist, David Iwinski about his findings, and why “how” matters.
Why Outsourcing Works for American Business: David Iwinski Sounds Off
American business owners are continuously on the lookout for the methods and practices that enable them to conduct their business under the tried and true guidelines of “better, faster, cheaper”. In recent years, one of the practices which has undergone the most scrutiny has been outsourcing. While some feel that the practice of exporting labor practices overseas is costing American workers their livelihood, others see it as a means by which they can open up their company to a vast labor market of skilled workers who are looking for the opportunity to prove themselves at a fraction of the cost of their American counterparts. As someone who boasts decades of experience in international commerce, The International Capitalist, David Iwinski, has seen the issue from both sides, and he addresses the benefits and the criticisms of this controversial topic.
The Solutions 21 Show - Innovation as a Competitive Market
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The Solutions 21 Show with guest host Rob O’Donnell explores the idea of innovation as a competitive market. Rob is joined by Stephan Liozu, President & CEO of Ardex America Inc.
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