CEO’s: Should they really be called CCO’s? “The International Capitalist” Finds Out….
We all know that the CEO is the head of the company. The one who oversees all operations and processes. The one who makes the final decisions on company affairs. But should the title really be CCO….Chief Communication Officer? “The International Capitalist” David Iwinski explores this issue as part of a series of discussions with Dr. Mildred Myers, a specialist in corporate communications at Carnegie Mellon University. Plus, Dr. Brad Agle of Brigham Young University joins David to discuss the importance of ethics when running a business, and the substantial pitfalls you face if you don’t run your company with ethics at the forefront of your mind.
Taking Your Business Global: David Iwinski Talks With Clark Johnson
“The International Capitalist” David Iwinski talks with Clark Johnson, a Pittsburgh-based entrepreneur, about his extensive experiences in overseas markets, and the lessons he has brought back stateside on dealing with different cultures and business atmospheres.
Do Ethics REALLY Matter in Business? BYU’s Brad Agle Has Some Thoughts on the Matter
“The International Capitalist” David Iwinski talks with Brad Agle, a Public Management Professor at Brigham Young University, about the importance of ethics in the world of business, and the potentially devastating consequences an entrepreneur can face if he or she does not conduct business in an ethical manner.
CEO or CCO? Millie Myers Dissects What the True Strength of the Chief Executive Should Be
“The International Capitalist” David Iwinski talks with Mildred Myers, a professor and corporate communications specialist at Carnegie Mellon University, about the importance of effective corporate communication in the world of business, and why CEO’s are best served by becoming CCO’s - Chief Communications Officers.
Full Episode
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